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International Scientific-Practical Conference

"Problems of Integrated Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zone"


כנס מדעי ומעשי בינלאומי "סוגיות של פיתוח בר קיימא משולב של אזור החוף"


Международная научно-практическая конференция

«Проблемы комплексного устойчивого развития прибрежной зоны»


The conference is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of education of the Institute of

Integration and Professional Adaptation


Date of the event: 31 October 2019.

Venue: Community house, Solomon st., 2, Netanya, Israel




1. Municipal Absorption Department of Netanya, Head of the Department George Dubin.

2. Netany Institute of Integration and Professional Adaptation ((NIIaPA), Director of the NIIaPA Dr. Michail Kozlov.

3. Haifa Research Center for Maritime Policy & Strategy (HMS), Director of the HMS Prof. Shaul Chorev.

4. Israeli Independent Academy of Development of Sciences (IIADS), President of the IIADS Prof. Lev Preigerman.

5. Association of inventors of Israel, President of the Association Prof. Oleg Figovsky.

Working languages - Russian, Hebrew, English.

Participation in the conference without the registration fee.




The conference program includes a plenary session, thematic sections and a final plenary session.

Report to the plenary – up to 20 minutes, discussion – up to 5 minutes.

Report to the section – up to 15 minutes, discussion – up to 5 minutes, appearances – 5 minutes.

Poster presentations.

There are technical tools for demonstration of video materials and sound presentations from a USB-flash drive.

Video materials desirable to provide in the MP4 format with a resolution (1280 x 720).

Sound presentation is provided in the program Microsoft Office Power Point.




Section 1 - Conceptual issues of a common maritime strategy and a strategy for the development of the Mediterranean coastal waters of Israel.

Section Leader Ph.D. Candidate Semion Polinov (The Department of Marine Geosciences University of Haifa, Research Fellow HMS).

Section 2 – Architectural and construction, hydraulic structures, devices for damping sea waves, sources of renewable energy, artificial islands.

Section Leader Prof. Lev Preigerman (President of the IIADS).

Section 3 – Economy, ecology, resource saving, promising technologies, sustainable development.

Section Leader Prof. Oleg Figovsky (President of the Association of inventors of Israel).

Section 4 – Health-improving, tourist and sociaal aspects of coastal zone development.

Section Leader Prof. Adolf Sokol (Academician IIADS).




To participate in the conference, you must send an application and report theses to the organizing committee before September 30, 2019 at

The application must indicate:

1. Name and surname of the participant.

2. Scientific title, academic degree.

3. Method of participation in the conference: full participation or correspondence participation.

4. Name of the report.

5. Data for communication.

Reports presented at the conference will be posted in the conference proceedings.

Reports presented at the conference.

The conference schedule with reports and their distribution in sections will be sent until October 10, 2019.




Chairman of the organizing Committee – Dr. Michail Kozlov - tel. 052-7052460, e-mail:

Scientific Secretary of the conference – Dr. Lyudmila Hryaznova – tel. 054-9919187, e-mail:




The proceedings of reports are provided to the conference organizing committee in the form of electronic files.

The entire report should be placed on A4 pages, the text orientation is “book” in the amount of not more than 6 pages.

The structure of the report submitted for publication

1. Title of the report

2. Name, surname of the author (co-authors)

3. Information about the author

4. Abstract

5. Keywords

6. Text of the report

7. Bibliography – desirable

Technical requirements for texts

The title report in the language of the report is Times New Roman font, size 14, bold, capital letters, line spacing 1.0. Alignment Center Page.

Title in English.

Name, surname of the author (co-authors) - followed by the title of the report at intervals of one line of size 12. The same thing on the next line is repeated in English.

​Information about the author - academic degree, academic title, first name, surname - font 12, bold italic, lowercase letters.

After the last name, on the next line through the line spacing 1.0, the author’s place of work (country in brackets) and the next line - phones and e-mail address - all in 12, italics, lowercase letters are indicated. These author data are repeated in English.

ABSTRACT in the language of the report (not more than 150 words) - font 12.

Keywords - no more than 10 words, font 12, lowercase letters.

ABSTRACT in English.

Keywords in English.

SECTIONS OF REPORT. Section titles are separated from the previous and subsequent texts by skipping a single line, font 12, from the edge of the line without indent, bold, capital letters.

TEXT OF REPORT. The text is typed in Times New Roman, 12, plain, lowercase letters,

Alignment Justify. Pages are not numbered. Numbering of references in the text is performed in square brackets.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliographic references are located at the end of the report, in order of priority of a literary source.

Font Times New Roman, size 12 normal, lowercase letters, left justified, line spacing - 1.0.

The text of the report should be drawn up in the Word text editor with the extension doc or docx. Font - Times New Roman,

Fields: left - 2.5 cm, upper and lower - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm.

Interval - single;

Tab - 0.7.

Pages are not numbered. The text after the section name begins with a paragraph.

Word wrap is not allowed.

The file name is typed in Latin letters and must contain the name of the author and part of the title of the report, separated by a lower dash, for example: "Tutor_P_Research_of_sea".

All graphic drawings and photographs placed in the text should additionally be attached in a jpg or jpeg file format.

The text should be typed without manual or automatic word wrap and without using the

“Enter” button, thereby ensuring the transition to another line automatically.



1. A Word document must be open for editing.

2. The “read only” mode is unacceptable.

3. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject the submitted materials without explanation.

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​האקדמיה העצמאית לפיתוח מדע בישראל​
Israeli Independent Academy for Development of Sciences
Израильская Независимая Академия Развития Науки
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