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About the International Scientific-Practical Conference

"Problems of Integrated Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zone", Netanya, 2019


        On October 31, 2019, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Integrated Sustainable Development of the Coastal   Zone” was held at the Netanya Community House.

     The conference is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of education of the Institute of Integration and Professional Adaptation
      Conference organizers:
     Municipal Absorption Department of Netanya, Head of the Department George Dubin;
     Netany Institute of Integration and Professional Adaptation ((NIIaPA), Director of the NIIaPA Dr. Michail Kozlov;
     Haifa Research Center for Maritime Policy & Strategy (HMS), Director of the HMS Prof. Shaul Chorev;
     Israeli Independent Academy of Development of Sciences (IIADS), President of the IIADS Prof. Lev Preigerman;
     Association of inventors of Israel, President of the Association Prof. Oleg Figovsky.
     Working languages - Russian, Hebrew, English.
      The conference had a plenary session and 4 thematic sections worked, at which the following issues were considered:
               * Conceptual issues of a common maritime strategy and a strategy for the development of the Mediterranean coastal waters of Israel.                  * Section Leader Ph.D. Candidate Semion Polinov (The Department of Marine Geosciences University of Haifa, Research Fellow HMS).
               * Architectural and construction, hydraulic structures, devices for damping sea waves, sources of renewable energy, artificial islands.    S                  Section Leader Prof. Lev Preigerman (President of the IIADS).
               * Promising technologies, sustainable development, ecology. Section Leader Prof. Oleg Figovsky (President of the Association of  inventors of Israel).
               * Health-improving, tourist and sociaal aspects of coastal zone development.  Section Leader Prof. Adolf Sokol (Academician IIADS).
        39 reports from 4 countries were presented at the conference and 55 people took part in it. From Israel there were speakers from 11 cities. Among the conference participants are 10 professors, 12 doctors of sciences, 5 graduate students and 9 engineers. The conference was attended by scientists and specialists from leading Israeli organizations such as the University of Haifa and Eco Wave Power. Representatives of Israeli and foreign companies involved in the work on the topics of the conference were present. Russian organizations involved in research in coastal waters and creating systems for converting sea waves and protecting the coast, including protecting beaches from sea waves, were widely represented. They were represented by the director of the Southern branch of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the general director of the company NPO Gidroenergospetsstroy, St. Petersburg, the president of ERGA LLC, Kaluga, and the leading scientist from the Krylov State Scientific Center.

     At the medical section of the conference, along with specialists living in Israel, presentations were made by employees of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
     The problems raised at the conference are very relevant for Israel, since the development of such a national resource as the territorial sea will change the state’s geopolitical structure, its industry, communications and population distribution. In this regard, the NIIaPA proposed the formation of a long-term conceptual project to create a multidisciplinary coastal cluster in the Mediterranean waters of Israel, which will include industrial and residential areas on artificial islands, a residential and health-resort complex along the coast, and a multifunctional complex located between them along the entire coast of a system of hydraulic structures, which also performs a transport-logical function and combines the coast and artificial islands. 
     At the conference, in addition to conceptual issues, ways of protecting the coast from destruction, environmental factors, devices for damping sea waves and the simultaneous conversion of their energy into electrical energy, the design of breakwaters and desalination of sea water, and the use of renewable energy sources were considered.
    Much attention was paid to the issues of turning Israel into a world-class resort and the medical aspects of prolonging the active longevity of the older generation.
      Based on the materials of the conference, a Collection of reports was published with a circulation of 50 copies. and an expanded electronic Collection of reports was prepared, which will be posted on the websites.
     Based on the works of the conference, the results were summed up and a Decision was worked out


       Chairman of the organizing Committee Conference                      Dr. Michail Kozlov

       Scientific Secretary of the organizing Committee                           Dr. Lyudmila Hryaznova

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