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Israeli independent Academy of development of Science (IIADS)
Scientific reviewed journal
"PROCEEDINGS. The Bulletin of Academy"
ISSN 1565 - 7965
VOL. 16, №1 11.2024
Preigerman Lev
Information as a catalyst for the evolution of the Universe
There are a huge number of definitions of information. They, as a rule, proceed
from the consideration of various particular cases of its manifestation or influence on reality. It is
believed that the definition of information in the most general case does not exist.
The author of this article, on the contrary, considers information as a universal logical category, a
set of all possible data on the content, behavior and evolutionary development of the bipolar
world and all its material and spiritual components in the past, present and future.
Information itself, by its definition, is inactive. But when it connects with a material carrier and
forms a set of information signals, then, due to the emergence of all that exists, it becomes a
powerful, rapidly multiplying catalyst for the evolutionary development of the Universe and all
its systems, according to geometric progression. This is facilitated by information networks from
primitive chemical compounds of elementary particles, atoms and molecules to highly organized
neural networks of the brain of higher animals and humans.
Goroshko Andrii, Zembytska Maryna
The paper analyzes the influence of unbalanced rotor forces of induction motor on
the operation of bearings with clearances. A mathematical model considering mechanical
unbalance and static magnetic unbalance is developed in the paper. The results of modeling
showed that the joint action of these factors leads to unstable operation mode of bearings and
accelerated wear. The unbalance factor depends on the static eccentricity angle and the
instantaneous value of the trunnion rotation angle. The obtained results can be used to optimize
the design of induction motors and to develop methods of diagnostics of their condition
Baсksanskiy Oleg Evgenievich
Convergent synthesis
The work analyzes the modern scientific direction, often referred to as Digital
Humanities. Every year, more and more researchers consider individual issues of this topic, the number of works is growing, united by the following methodological and logical goal: to
determine the conceptual status of this branch of knowledge, describe methods, approaches,
methods, object and subject of study, problem field and history of formation. At the same time,
the central question is the following: can we consider the Digital Humanities approach to be an
independent discipline. The paper provides a brief overview of Digital Humanities and its basic
definitions identifies the main features and characteristic properties of this area, describes the
time frame for formation and the range of disciplines that served as the basis for its formation.
Of particular interest is cognitive psychology, or Digital Psychology, which researchers often
single out as an independent discipline in the Digital research field.
Tartakovskaya Raisa
Human Diseases Caused by Different Types of Amoebas
The article presents current data on human diseases caused by different types of
amoebas. It is shown that amoebiasis is characterized by polymorphism of clinical
manifestations, from latent subclinical forms to severe cases with the development of widespread
ulcerative colitis, intestinal amoebiasis and damage to internal organs: liver, kidneys, lungs, brain
(extraintestinal amoebiasis).
Preigerman Lev.
Atomic Project
The first attempt to master the life-giving force that rules the world, spied on by
Nature but still far from conscious, took place more than a million years ago, when humanoid
creatures conquered fire, which terrified all living things, and protected themselves from the
cold, fires, and most importantly, illuminated the darkness of their caves. Nevertheless, more
than 100 years ago people had no idea why lamps glowed, why fire flames warmed and glowed,
why the fire of the Sun and stars, where living organisms, chaotically moving molecules or tiny
electrons running along wires draw their energy from. Everything changed overnight - at the turn
of the 19th and 20th centuries, when it became clear that the source of everything that happens in
the world is the interaction of tiny elementary particles and atoms located deep inside matter.
From this moment on, the era of microcosm research and the related project of obtaining and
using the intranuclear energy of the atom began. In this article, the author traces step by step the
dramatic history of the emergence and implementation of this project
Zhukova N.G.
Problems arising during online classes and possible solutions
This article discusses the main milestones in the development and formation of
online education. The subject of the research is to identify the problems that arise during online
classes and in-depth consideration of the problem of the quality of online classes. The article
examines foreign and domestic experience in building effective online learning. Several
strategies are proposed aimed at solving the problem of ensuring the quality of online education
Floria Sklyar
Rudyard Kipling. Love Story
The article below opens a new page in Kiplingiana. It penetrates into the inner
world of the greatest master of word and opens a wonderful world of genuine romantic love
described with the whole vigor of his talent. In spite of the fact that Kipling’s reputation was
posthumously re- estimated in England, he still keeps the mark of the extraordinary creature , the
bard of the Empire.
Henry James wrote about him in the preface to his early book Mine Own People the
following: “His prose is trumpet and castanets; it is lacking any violin string”.
He chose the heroes of his prose and verses among soldiers and sailors, builders and
fishermen, lighthouse watchmen, sang their labor and beneath their vulgarity showed their
authentic inner beauty.
In 1907 the Swedish Academy nominated Kipling for the Nobel Prize “...for the power of
observation … and virility of ideas”.
The mere word ‘romantic’ hasn’t been ever mentioned with the name of Kipling. Power and
virility. In one word ‘iron Kipling ‘who stubbornly continued to beat in his drum even when his
ideas had declined and fallen.
No one ŵord has ever be mentioned about his personal life, feelings, inner world. And the
latter was rich. Extremely rich.
What did the poet say about himself? Not much. Something.
This is the way he called his autobiography - Something of Myself. Nothing personal. The
name of Florence Garrard has never been mentioned. He rather hides than opens his face. No
word of his late beloved little daughter and young son.
His intimate personal life was kept deep inside him.
His close friend and publisher Frank Doubleday visited him not long before his death. He was
simply stunned when he saw Kipling running to and fro in his study throwing the piles of paper
into the fire. When he asked Kipling what he was doing, the latter answered:” No one is going to
make a monkey out of me after I die.
He was very proud of being anglo -sax because ‘being void of self- expression they confide
their views to none’.
In his poetic testament Appeal Kipling asks his readers not to bother him,’Let me lie
quiet…Seek not to question other than the books I left behind.
And that’s exactly the approach chosen in the article below.
For the analysis we’ve chosen the number of his best-known works both in prose and poetry.
Organised in the chronological order, they reveal his true love story, his true virility in passionate
love, eternal love forever. He would put it in very simple words - Man remembers three women
in his life – the first, the last and one.
And suddenly we reveal another person unknown for us before who is overwhelmed with his
genuine eternal love and devotion to it. Tender and soft, romantic who apprised his love so
brightly with such a vigor and so softly, with such a talent and devotion that his love lyrics may
take the place along with such masterpieces as King Solomon’s and Heinrich Heine Song of the
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