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Israeli independent Academy of development of Science (IIADS)
Scientific reviewed journal
"PROCEEDINGS. The Bulletin of Academy"
ISSN 1565 - 7965
VOL. 15, №1 03.2023
Trofimov German, Zavadskiy Vladislav
Increasing the transmission capacity of Israel’s overhead power lines
Power lines in Israel are overloaded. The construction of new transmission lines
for the distribution of electricity from renewable energy sources from the south of the country to
the center is associated with huge political and technical difficulties. Therefore, the problem of
increasing the transmission capacity of power lines is relevant for the country. For standard steelaluminum wires, the maximum allowable temperature corresponds to heating up to 90°C. A
good alternative is the use of high-temperature conductors, which allow increasing the long-term
permissible operating temperature up to 120 - 250°C (depending on the type of wire used). This
allows you to increase the transmission capacity of the transmission line up to 3 times without
replacing the supports and major modernization of the fittings. In the article, the use of various
types of high-temperature conductors is considered to increase the capacity of Israel's transmission lines.
Lev Preigerman
Paradoxes of the Universe
Even at the beginning of the last century, our knowledge of the universe was very
scarce. It was believed that the entire stationary Universe, infinite in space and time, consists of
stars and planetary systems, similar to our solar system, subject to the universal, eternal and unchanging laws of Nature. Therefore, the study of the universe as a whole was reduced to the
study of the solar system. But already in the early 20s, under the influence of A. Einstein's general theory of relativity and the works of A. Friedman, a new science of the origin and develop-
ment of the Universe, cosmology, arose, and a flurry of revolutionary works followed that turned
our knowledge of the Universe upside down by 1800
. Galaxies were discovered and their accumulations, expansion and evolutionary development of the Universe, which arose 13.8 billion
years ago as a result of the Big Bang. The role of the predicted and subsequently discovered
Higgs field was established. Models of a hot Universe, inflation, gauge symmetry, etc. were developed. These and other similar events are discussed in this article, in which the author also
proposes a number of his hypotheses about the evolution of the Universe
Mikhalev-Volookov V.M
The essence of dark matter and dark energy and their significance for
Creation and development of our Universe
In this article we consider questions and hypotheses of creation of our Universe, its
meaning for the men, how dark matter and dark energy take part in creation and development of
our Universe and what are dark matter and dark energy.
Animitsa Anatoly
Gydrostorage power plants as the basis of energy
Israel based on renewable sources
This article discusses the place and features of the use of accumulative pumped
storage power plants (PSPP) in Israel in the carbon-free energy system based on renewable
sources: solar, wind and sea waves. The place of reservoirs - energy storage in the landscape,
ecosystem and economy of Israel is described. Prospects for the dissemination of the stated ideas
to other countries of the region (Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, etc.) are outlined.
Backsanskiy Oleg Evgenievich
Cognitive Approach to Education "Great Didactics":
400 years later
What is the philosophy of education? Cognitive revolutions in philosophy and education. A radical change in the understanding of the essence of education – from the reproduction of society to the construction and design of social
Tartakovskaya Raisa
Helicobacter Pylori infection
Helicobacter Pylori a gram-negative bacillus with four to six flagella is associated
with acid peptic disease. It was first identified in 1982 by R. Warren and B.Marshall. Its prevalence is high, especially in developing countries: it is considered thee most common chronic bacterial infection in the world.
Sokol Adolf
Professional and psychological causes of medical errors
The article examines the concept of A. Gavande, a famous surgeon and WHO expert on the nature and causes of medical errors. The paradox is noted: the growth of individual
skill does not reduce the number of medical errors. The idea of the need for an accessible and
effective strategy to minimize errors in clinical medicine (development of check- lists) is expressed.
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